Wednesday, April 9, 2014

High charts plus Wordpress

I have struggled 2 days to be able to work with high charts with Wordpress. I guess to save time and effort for someone new who wants to do the same thing, Please follow below steps.

I have read many blogs including forums and I found help from variety of sources and I thanks all of you guys.

 Firstly please read this how someone tried.

 I still was not able to load the high charts. But I have implemented the following steps ( inline with the above link)

 1)Download Highchart software and unzip from

2)Now upload all the files with in the js folder into your cpanel. Here one has to be careful in terms of where you are uploading. Locate public_html folder and follow this path to next folder /wp-content/themes/ and then to your themes folder (for instance catch-box) and lastly folder js. It should look like this public_html/wp-content/themes/catch-box/js

 3) Create the directory structure of the Highcharts (js) folder and upload files. (modules, themes, adapter)

 4)Next step is to update Header.php in the folder public_html/wp-content/themes/catch-box

 5) To this file add the following two things
 <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  
 <script src="&lt;?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?&gt;/js/highcharts.js" type="text/javascript"></script>"<br />  

 6)Add the following code in a new page

  <title>Rates View - 1</title>  
  <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  
  <script type="text/javascript">  
 $(function () {  
       chart: {  
         type: 'column'  
   title: {  
         text: 'Rates - Feb 28 - View - 1',  
         x: -20 //center  
       subtitle: {  
         text: 'Source: DTCC',  
         x: -20  
       xAxis: {  
         categories: ['Basis Swaps', 'CapFloors', 'Exotic', 'Fixed Fixed Swaps', 'FRA', 'Inflation Swaps', 'OIS Swaps', 'Swaption', 'Vanilla Swaps', 'X-Ccy-Basis', 'X-Ccy-Fixed-Fixed', 'X-Ccy-Fixed-Float'  
       yAxis: {  
         title: {  
           text: 'Sum of Notional USD'  
         plotLines: [{  
           value: 0,  
           width: 1,  
           color: '#808080'  
       tooltip: {  
         valueSuffix: 'USD'  
       legend: {  
         layout: 'horizontal',  
         align: 'right',  
         verticalAlign: 'middle',  
         borderWidth: 0  
       series: [{  
         name: 'Total',  
         data: [10337207913,28876709079,27143522556,78690127.08,58717429750,4102063542,1.85611E+11,1.21484E+11,3.37014E+11,7116442472,268174806.4,4632368916]  
 <div id="container" style="height: 400px; margin: 0 auto; min-width: 310px;">  
7) Done.

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