Sunday, September 29, 2013

Structured Note Issuance Summary - September 23-27, 2013

During the week of September 23-27, 2013 structured note issuance has been 8.4 BN across various issuers and asset classes. Most of the issuance (7.7 BN) is driven by Interest Rate linked notes and 650 MM of the issuance is driven by Equity linked products. Interestingly Hybrid linked issuance has spiked this week. For Details of the distribution refer to the chart below. Surprisingly majority of the structured note issuance is linked to Interest Rate linked. This week, structured notes were issued with variety of flavors and interesting themes. Some of them include Global bond by Mexico government, Interest rate-Foreign Exchange linked hybrid note from Deutche bank to monetize their view on USD-JPY Exchange rate versus USD 5y Swap rate. Read on for more details.
Interactive Issuance analysis You can click individual asset classes to see how the underlying issuance has happened within each asset type by underlying and Issuer.
Underlying analysis
Mexico has issued one large interest rate linked global notes. This note matures in September 2023. 3.8 Bn Fixed rates paying a coupon of 4 % and suitable for investors seeking to tap into the rising interest rates. This might be a good deal for an aggressive investor and definitely better yields when compared to US 10Y Treasury. These notes carry Mexico sovereign risk. In other words if Mexico miss on making payments investors risk losing their principal. Province of Ontario issued a 1.7 bn interest linked note to issuers. These notes mature in September 2018 paying 2 % coupon. This is a safe note that is exposed to credit risk of province of Ontario.
On the Equity linked notes front there has been good amount of activity. Notes have been created on variety of underlyings. This week issuance included notes created on the indices ( S&P 500, Stoxx 50, Russell 2000) and single names ( Apple, CME, Emerging markets ETF, Pulte group, Linkedin) and JPM proprietary volatility index. JPM has issued 6.4 MM note to the investors on J.P. Morgan Strategic Volatility Index to the investors maturing in 12/31/14. The J.P. Morgan Strategic Volatility Index (the “Index”) is a synthetic, rules-based proprietary index developed and maintained by JPMS plc. The level of the Index is published each trading day under the Bloomberg ticker symbol “JPUSSTVL.” The Index was created on July 30, 2010, and therefore has limited historical performance. Main features of the JPM Strategic Volatility index 1) Index is a dynamic replication strategy on CBOE Volatility Index ( VIX index) 2) Index position is akin to synthetically creating a position in VIX futures contract. 3) Index employs Long-Short strategy on the VIX Future contracts 4) Contango in VIX markets might lead to lower or negative returns. That is Future Contracts in latter months are higher than the spot contract. 5) This kind of return cannot be replicated by using Do it your self option strategy. Investors who are sophisticated enough to understand the nuances of the VIX market should buy this note. There has been some issuance activity in Commodity and Currency segments of the markets. Notable note issued by Barclays to capture performance of Brent crude oil. I guess Middle East geopolitics play can be captured into your portfolio by entering into this contract. Barclays issued 103 MM worth of Brent crude oil based yield enhancement class structured note. These notes command a maximum of 15% if Brent crude oil rises and will participate 1:1 downside performance with risk of losing entire principal. On the Hybrid segment side, this week Morgan Stanley has issued some CMS and S&P 500 index linked notes. Interestingly, Deutche bank issued a note linking USD-JPY currency and JPY 5y Swap rate performance. This note is designed to express a view on weakening JPY and Rising interest rates. This note pays investor Currency performance and Interest Rate performance as long as USD/JPY exchange rate is above 120 and swap rates rise above 2%. This deal expires in 2 years. If the investor view does not materialize, investor will be losing 40% of the principal. Potentially risk note but for a adventurous investor may provide additional gains to his portfolio. Size of the note types will tell us an indication of what type structures are popular among the investors and where money is flowing. Below chart shows this theme
Popular notes have been Fixed Rate Notes, Floating rate notes. Two notes are Interest rate related notes designed to capture the performance in the Fixed income markets.This kind of activity could be due to surge in demand from investors to capture market gains as they view markets will witness rising yield environment. This week market activity has been shadowed by one large issuance by Mexico state and province of Ontario. Now moving on to issuers side and understanding their market penetration or competitor analysis provides some interesting insights. This week Mexico State and province of Ontario with its large issuances of Interest Rate linked notes captured 50% of the issuance volume. JPM, RBC and GS captured rest of the issuance market share.
Market penetration is driven by the issuer depth in each of the asset classes. Every issuer has presence in Equity linked issuance. Goldman is only issuer to produce Currency related issuance. Morgan Stanley and JPM are active players in the Hybrid related issuance.
Maturity profile of the issuance by issuer provides where volumes are anchored. Interestingly most of the volume issued this week matures between 2014 and 2018. This can be attributed to two facts. Issuers are stretching the maturity of the note to come up with better coupons.
For additional details please refer to the Issuance summary table.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Structured Note Issuance Summary - September, 16-20, 2013

During the week of September 16-20, 2013 structured note issuance has been 3.4 BN across various issuers  and asset classes.  Most of the issuance (2.8 BN) is driven by Interest Rate linked notes and 430 MM of the issuance is driven by Equity linked products. Interestingly Commodity issuance has spiked this week. For Details of the distribution refer to the chart below. Surprisingly majority of the structured note issuance is linked to Interest Rate linked.
Interactive Issuance analysis You can click individual asset classes to see how the underlying issuance has happened within each asset type by underlying and Issuer.
Underlying analysis
Citigroup has issued one large interest rate linked fixed rate notes. This note matures in september 2018. 1.7 Bn Fixed rates paying a coupon of 2.5 % and suitable for investors seeking to tap into the rising interest rates. This might not be a best deal for an aggressive investor but definitely better yields when compared to US 5Y Treasury On the Equity linked notes front there has been good amount of activity. Scotia Bank leading the pack with 30.6 % market share. Notably Scotia Bank issued a large note (128 MM) on Raymond James Analyst Current Favorites Total Return Index (Bloomberg Ticker: RJACFTR) to the investors. The Raymond James Analyst Current Favorites Total Return Index (the “Index”) is a proprietary index that is intended to track the performance of the Raymond James Analyst Current Favorites List of stocks or other exchange-traded securities, on an adjusted basis. The rules for constructing and rebalancing the Index were developed by Raymond James & Associates, Inc. The Index level is calculated and published by Bloomberg LP (the “Index Calculation Agent”). These notes belong to class of performance notes. They command the market performance without any cap. On the downside this note will participate in 1 to 1 downside. There is a possibility of losing entire principal. But If investors portfolios have captured market performance and think market performance would not be in single digits they can juice twice the returns with some protection. Definitely a good deal to think of!. There are other notes that were designed with S&P 500 and EURO STOXX 50 index. There are some interesting notes that are providing good return on the investment. Refer to the chart below for issuance of other underlyings.
There has been some issuance activity in Commodity and Currency segments of the markets. Notable note issued by Barclays to capture performance of Brent crude oil. I guess middle east geopolitics play can be captured into your portfolio by entering into this contract. Barclays issued 103 MM worth of Brent crude oil based yield enhancement class structured note. These notes command a maximum of 15% if Brent crude oil rises and will participate 1:1 downside performance with risk of losing entire principal. Size of the note types will tell us an indication of what type structures are popular among the investors and where money is flowing. Below chart shows this theme
Popular notes have been Fixed Rate Notes, Floating rate notes. Two notes are Interest rate related notes designed to capture the performance in the Fixed income markets.This kind of activity could be due to surge in demand from investors to capture market gains as they view markets will witness rising yield environment. This week market activity has been shadowed by one large issuance by Korean Development Bank. Now moving on to issuers side and understanding their market penetration or competitor analysis provides some interesting insights. This week Citigroup with its large issuances of Interest Rate linked notes captured 50% of the issuance volume. EIBOK,JPM, RBC and GS captured rest of the issuance market share.
Market penetration is driven by the issuer depth in each of the asset classes. Every issuer has presence in Equity linked issuance. Goldman is only issuer to produce Currency related issuance. Morgan Stanley and JPM are active players in the Hybrid related issuance.
Maturity profile of the issuance by issuer provides where volumes are anchored. Interestingly most of the volume issued this week matures between 2014 and 2018. This can be attributed to two facts. Issuers are stretching the maturity of the note to come up with better coupons.
For additional details please refer to the Issuance summary table.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Structured Note Issuance Summary- September 9-13, 2013

During the week of September 09-13, 2013 structured note issuance has been 1.283 BN across various issuers  and asset classes.  Most of the issuance (1 BN) is driven by Interest Rate linked notes and 280 MM of the issuance is driven by Equity linked products. For Details of the distribution refer to the chart below. Surprisingly majority of the structured note issuance is linked to Interest Rate linked.
Interactive Issuance analysis You can click individual asset classes to see how the underlying issuance has happened within each asset type by underlying and Issuer.
Underlying analysis
KDB has issued one large interest rate linked fixed rate notes. This note matures in March 2019. 750 MM Fixed rates paying a coupon of 3 % and suitable for investors seeking to tap into the rising interest rates. This might not be a best deal for an aggressive investor but definitely better yields when compared to US 5Y Treasury On the Equity linked notes front there has been good amount of activity. JPM leading the pack with 25.5 % market share. Notably JPM issued a large note on Russell index to the investors. These notes belong to class of leveraged notes. They command twice the market performance with cap. On the downside this note will participate in 1 to 1 downside. There is a possibility of losing entire principal. But If investors portfolios have captured market performance and think market performance would not be in single digits they can juice twice the returns with some protection. Definitely a good deal to think of!. There are other notes that were designed with S&P 500 and EURO STOXX 50 index. There are some interesting notes that are providing good return on the investment. Refer to the chart below for issuance of other underlyings.
There has been some issuance activity in Commodity and Currency segments of the markets. Currency asset class issuance have been tied to USDMXN currency. This note provide investors good returns as long as currencies settles does not depreciate more than 20%. With in the Commodity space, Gold and OIL linked notes were made available to investors. Giving investors an opportunity to obtain accelerated returns on the underlying changes. Size of the note types will tell us an indication of what type structures are popular among the investors and where money is flowing. Below chart shows this theme
Popular notes have been Fixed Rate Notes, Floating rate notes. Two notes are Interest rate related notes designed to capture the performance in the Fixed income markets.This kind of activity could be due to surge in demand from investors to capture market gains as they view markets will witness rising yield environment. This week market activity has been shadowed by one large issuance by Korean Development Bank. Now moving on to issuers side and understanding their market penetration or competitor analysis provides some interesting insights. This week KDB with its large issuances of Interest Rate linked notes captured 60% of the issuance volume. JPM, RBC and GS captured market share around 5%.
Market penetration is driven by the issuer depth in each of the asset classes. Every issuer has presence in Equity linked issuance. Goldman is only issuer to produce Currency related issuance. Morgan Stanley and JPM are active players in the Hybrid related issuance.
Maturity profile of the issuance by issuer provides where volumes are anchored. Interestingly most of the volume issued this week matures between 2014 and 2016. This can be attributed to two facts. Issuers are stretching the maturity of the note to come up with better coupons.
For additional details please refer to the Issuance summary table.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dual Directional Note on Euro Stoxx Index

Looking for a good Structured note deal. You can refer to the note issued by . This note belongs to the class of products that pay in both rising and falling environments. Interesting. Lets look into some details. On August 30,2013, Citigroup issued notes to its investors that pay uncapped market performance with leverage on upside.For every point rise in Euro Stoxx 50 index, investor will receive 1.25 units. On the down side up to 35% fall in the market, investor will receive absolute performance. That is if market falls by 10 units, investor will receive 10 units. Beyond 35%, investor will participate in 1:1 downside performance. Payoff and return performance of this note can be replicated using 3 different options, Investor is Long 1) 1.25 units of Call option at Strike 2721.37 2) 1 unit of put option at strike 2721.37 Investor is Short 1) 2 unit of Knockout put option at strike of 2721.37 and Barrier level of 1768 Call option and put option together replicate the positive performance of the Note. Knockout option simulates the downside performance of the note. Only issue with this note is it expires in 2019. Now this horizon of 6 years is long for tactical investors. But if you are long term investor you can enter into this note and juice the market returns. Since Euro Stoxx is quoted in euros and the Note is priced in dollars therefore we need to consider correlation between Euro Stoxx Index and EURUSD Currency. Dual Digital Plus Note Performance

Structured Note Issuance Summary - September 2-6,2013

During the week of September 02-06, 2013 structured note issuance has been 3.4 BN across various issuers  and asset classes.  Most of the issuance (2 BN) is driven by Interest Rate linked notes and 1.3 BN of the issuance is driven by Equity linked products. For Details of the distribution refer to the chart below. Surprisingly majority of the structured note issuance is linked to Interest Rate linked.
Interactive Issuance analysis You can click individual asset classes to see how the underlying issuance has happened within each asset type by underlying and Issuer.
Underlying analysis
RBC has issued two large interest rate linked fixed and floating rate notes. These two notes mature in september 2016. 1.2 Billion Floating rates paying a coupon of 3M Libor+ 46 bps and suitable for investors seeking to tap into the rising interest rates. Another note with a notional of 800 MM with coupon of 1.45% paid semi annually for 3 years has been issued. This might not be a best deal for an aggressive investor but definitely better yields when compared to US Treasury 3Y yielding 89 bps this is note is better by 60 bps. On the Equity linked notes front there has been good amount of activity. Bank of America leading the pack with 44 % market share. Notably BOA issued a large note on Dow Jones Industrial Average index to the investors. These notes belong to class of leveraged notes. They command 1.256 times the market performance without any cap. On the downside this note is protected loses up to 75% fall in the index. Beyond 75% fall in the index investors will participate in 1 to 1 downside. There is a possibility of losing 75% of the principal. But If investors portfolios have captured market performance and think market performance would not be in single digits they can juice twice the returns with some protection. Definitely a good deal to think of!. There are other notes that were designed with S&P 500 and EURO STOXX 50 index. There are some interesting notes that are providing good return on the investment. Refer to the chart below for issuance of other underlyings.
This Week BOA issued a note whose coupon tracks the performance of DAX Price return Index. These notes pay a Coupon of 21 % per year at maturity if the index is above initial level but below step level (21%). Beyond this step level, investor get market performance uncapped. On the down side, investor participates 1:1 market performance. This Note is not principal protected There has been some issuance activity in Commodity and Currency segments of the markets. Currency asset class issuance have been tied to USDMXN currency. This note provide investors good returns as long as currencies settles does not depreciate more than 20%. With in the Commodity space, Gold and OIL linked notes were made available to investors. Giving investors an opportunity to obtain accelerated returns on the underlying changes. Size of the note types will tell us an indication of what type structures are popular among the investors and where money is flowing. Below chart shows this theme
Popular notes have been Accelerated Notes, Fixed and Floating rate notes. Two notes are Interest rate related notes designed to capture the performance in the Fixed income markets.This kind of activity could be due to surge in demand from investors to capture market gains as they view markets will witness rising yield environment. Accelerated return notes provide leveraged returns to investors and note have been issued using Equity indices like Dow jone (DJIA Index), S&P 500 (SPX Index) etc. Now moving on to issuers side and understanding their market penetration or competitor analysis provides some interesting insights. This week RBC with its large issuances of Interest Rate linked notes captured 60% of the issuance volume. BoA, JPM, HSBC and MS captured market share around 3%.
Market penetration is driven by the issuer depth in each of the asset classes. Every issuer has presence in Equity linked issuance. Goldman is only issuer to produce Currency related issuance. Morgan Stanley and JPM are active players in the Hybrid related issuance.
Maturity profile of the issuance by issuer provides where volumes are anchored. Interestingly most of the volume issued this week matures between 2014 and 2016. This can be attributed to two facts. Issuers are stretching the maturity of the note to come up with better coupons.
For additional details please refer to the Issuance summary table.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Structured Note Investment Strategies - August, 2013

Structured Notes are designed to capture customized returns around global financial markets. They come in variety of Flavors,
      Capital Guaranteed 
      Yield Enhancement
There is lot of debate around the utility of these products as an investment. Some have gone to say that investors can create these products by using variety of option strategies. I would say, where there is return there is risk with varying levels. Some are high risk and high return products (Futures and Options) and others are low risk an low return ( US Treasuries) products. Every Investor has different levels of risk tolerance and expectations. Structured products caters to these needs of the investor.

Investors who are risk averse but not satisfied with their low yielding bond portion of portfolio can benefit from Capital guaranteed structured products. Some of these products pay the performance of the US yield curve, US CPI (inflation) and joint performance of Yield curve and Equity markets. Institutional investors and Insurance funds and other sophisticated Investors utilize these products as an overlay to their existing strategies to generate higher returns. These players have access to sophisticated tools to analyze the mechanics of the risk and return of these products. Now this (analysis) financial engineering and structuring can be accessed more easily at Gatick Financial Services

 Investors who are adventurous and want to risk a portion of their initial investment to attain better returns can look into Yield enhancement strategies. Now this class of products come in a variety of names and types. Some are called Auto callables, Trigger performers, High low callable Yield notes, digital plus, Capped Knock out, Reverse Convertibles and so on. All of these notes despite different names and have Risk and Return as common theme among them. Investors can tap into some of these products to improve returns on their portfolios. There has been huge brouhaha with respect to usability of reverse convertibles related Apple company very recently. I think, investors should be very cautious in terms of what kind of index or stock they are going to use in their structured product. They should also need to understand if they buy these products and trade out of them before maturity. Big players carry out this strategy all the time with the help of sophisticated financial engineering to price these products and identify opportunities to buy and sell these products.Now this (analysis) financial engineering and structuring can be accessed more easily at Gatick Financial Services.

Similary, for high risk investors Performance and Leveraged products are available to monetize their views. For further analysis, design and structuring of these products contact Gatick Financial Services.

 Details of Charts for August 12-30 Structured note issuance is provided below.